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US DubTub Adapters

US DubTub Adapters

Regular price £45.00
Regular price Sale price £45.00
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Ah, fellow mushroom mage, lend me your ear!

In all my years of tending to the sacred fungi, I’ve found few tools as worthy as the Dubtub Adapter. It’s no mere trinket—it’s a key to stacking two 6-quart Sterilite tubs with the precision of a mycelium network. Whether you’re crafting a simple setup or a high-efficiency flow-through system, this little marvel ensures your mushrooms thrive in perfect harmony.

Worried about availability? Fear not. These beauties are made to order, and while you’ll wait just a few days, trust me—good things take time.

So heed my words, my friend. If you seek to elevate your mushroom growing, the Dubtub Adapter is calling. Answer the call and start stacking!

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